Grouped Highlights, Redaction Stamping, and More
by Everlaw
With the goal of optimizing your ediscovery experience, we’re happy to announce a new round of improvements to Everlaw based on feedback from you!
Admin Features
1) Grouped Persistent Highlights
You can now categorize persistent highlights to make it easier for you to navigate, distinguish, and make sense of all the content hits that appear in a document. Categorized highlights will share the same color when rendered in the review window and will be listed together in the hit highlighting panel. For example, you can group all the relevant people in one category, entities in another, and relevant jargon in a third.
In the review window, you can navigate highlights by group or individual highlights.
2) Redaction Stamping
As a case admin, you might want your reviewers to apply stamps to redactions in order to note why a redaction has been applied. You can now create case-specific redaction stamps that reviewers can add with the click of a mouse. Applied stamps will be overlaid on top of redactions in the review window. You can also allow reviewers to apply custom stamps. This feature is integrated with productions: custom redaction stamps will be printed on top of redactions in produced documents, overriding any default text that might be specified in the production protocol.
3) Document Download History
With this release, document download history is tracked at the individual user level, allowing admins to easily audit who performed exports out of a database, when the export occurred, and which documents were involved.
General Features
4) Search Interface Improvements
Our list of search terms has grown over the years. In order to simplify the interface, we’ve added the ability to collapse categories of search terms. For ease of initial use, we’ve identified the most used Document and Review search terms, which will appear by default at the top of the list. Now, you can also customize which terms are always visible with a simple drag and drop.
5) Children Count
When scanning a grouped results table, you may want to know how many children documents are in a particular group. Previously, you would need to expand the group and manually count the children. Now, the number of children is displayed next to the parent in a grouped table, even before expansion.
6) Performance Improvements
Users will be pleased to hear that we’ve improved the speed of our batch tasks (batch coding, adding docs to binders, etc). With the recent changes, batch tasks will be 2-3x faster! You can also expect faster loading when accessing the homepage, assignments page, and messaging when you have large dynamic assignments. PDF viewing speeds have also improved.
7) Loadfile Exports
For additional flexibility in your productions, the loadfile-only download will now contain all of the included loadfile types, rather than only the .dat loadfile.
8) Email Login
Have you ever had trouble logging in because you forgot your username? Well, worry no more as you can now log in with either your username or your email address.
We hope these new features improve your ediscovery work.
Everlaw’s advanced technology empowers organizations to navigate the increasingly complex ediscovery landscape, tackle the most pressing technological challenges, and chart a straighter path to the truth—transforming their approach to discovery, investigations, and litigation in the process.