New Features: People Profiles, Reprocessing, Slack Chats, and More
by Everlaw
At Everlaw, commitment to growth and respect for our users are two of our core company values. We display the values around the office, reward our employees for embodying them, and showcase them through continuous improvements of our product.
Last week, we released a handful of new features to the Everlaw platform and we’re excited for our users to take them for a spin. These additions, just like all those that came before them, serve to improve the document review and case prep experience for all users. To read the full documentation of the newest features released, please refer to your email and support materials.
People Profiles
In this release, we’ve expanded the functionality of StoryBuilder™, our integrated case prep tool that helps organize key documents into a compelling narrative for trial. Now, in addition to being able to tag documents in a Chronology with labels for specific people, those labels can be built out into fully customizable profiles. Within people profiles, add a photo, social media links, job information, and notes chronicling the professional history and relationships for the people most relevant to your case.
Add a profile by clicking on the People icon in your Chronology toolbar, or by creating a people label on the left-hand side of your Chronology.
Reprocessing Non-Everlaw Processed Documents
Have you ever received a production from opposing counsel that contained loose PDFs with no text versions, or TIFFs instead of searchable PDFs? With this release, users with uploader permissions can now reprocess documents from the results table even if they weren’t originally processed by Everlaw. This is a natural extension of our previous on-platform processing tool, which allowed for reprocessing of documents, but only those originally processed by Everlaw.
To access this feature, click the Export icon on your results table toolbar, navigate to the Process tab, and click on “Non-Everlaw Processed.”
Multi-Line Code Endorsements
If your particular case requires lengthier code endorsements, and you’re worried they may be so long as to overlap the Bates stamp, fear no more. You can now write longer code endorsements, even multiple lines of text, that will stay in their rightful place in the production.
Upload Slack Chat Data
Along with all of the other native file formats our system can ingest in our drag-and-drop uploading tool, you can now add Slack chat data to that list. Once chat data is successfully uploaded, it is searchable and viewable within your case as a PDF. Individual and group Slack chats can be easily viewed as well as full contact lists.
Get in Touch!
Check out these latest features, as well as more detailed support materials, the next time you log into Everlaw. Email us at with any questions!
Everlaw’s advanced technology empowers organizations to navigate the increasingly complex ediscovery landscape, tackle the most pressing technological challenges, and chart a straighter path to the truth—transforming their approach to discovery, investigations, and litigation in the process.